BMI Calculator

Search Engine Optimization

BMI Calculator


Male Female

Kg or lbs
kg lbs

m or in
m in
BMI = 22.96 kg/m2 (Normal)
  • Normal BMI range: 18.5kg/m2 - 25 kg/m2
  • Normal BMI weight range for the height: 128.9lbs - 174.2 lbs
  • Ponderal Index: 12.91 kg/m3

About BMI Calculator

BMI is the acronym of Body Mass Index and it is a calculation of body fat based on height and weight that is applicable to both men and women. The BMI Calculator is used to calculate your BMI score which means Body Mass Index with the help of BMI Formula and weight status while taking some general information of yours like your age, gender, recent weight in kilograms or pounds as well as your height in meters or inches into consideration. International standard metric units are used to calculate because they are easy and comfortable in calculation.

When you enter your required information then BMI Calculator will calculate your BMI score and BMI calculator is used to point out if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. A healthy and normal BMI count is between 20 and 25. A score below 20 shows that you may be underweight; a value above 25 indicates that you may be overweight.

Please remember, one thing that this is only one of many potential ways to evaluate your weight. If you have any serious concerns about your weight, please talk about with your physician, who is in a position, unlike this BMI calculator, to concentrate on your specific individual condition.